Monday 25 March 2013

Sunset in Manarola


  1. What a beautiful Sunset......takes me ack to our villa at Santorini, having a glass of vino as the sun sets on the Caldera. great you are having some sunny weather. You and Karen look like you are having so much fun....keep smiling and lots of love from Brissie.

  2. A lot like Santorini especially the amount of steps! The beaches are the same as Greece - black rocks. The water looks very cold anyway. I guess you would still swim in it. Hope you have still been doing your 40 laps.

  3. Hey Mum! Managed to get on this thing. Photos look pretty great, Looks like your having an awesome time. Say Hi to Karen for me. Make sure to have a very Catholic weekend. Just get on the Vino.
    Love Rhys

  4. Thanks Rhys. Glad you were able to have a look at the blog. Still can't get over that you came up to Brisbane to see me before I went away. Hope you and Lenny have a nice Easter too. Say hi to her for me.

  5. To my beautiful lady how lucky you are as in a couple of days you can do the Stations of the Cross for real in Italy. So remember to genuflect at each one or just follow the locals and follow their lead....when in Rome do as the Romans do !

    Hope you and Karen had a restful day and heh no excuses for slacking off , go hard and try and be good.

    My darling try and get me something authentic for easter from where you are that i can wear.....

    And to all you Brennan lads do your best to get to mass on easter Sunday to celebrate the rising of our lord....yep it is special and it is why we are all here....otherwise no more easter Eggs.

    Shit I miss you ....xxxxxxxxxxxx


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